For any further questions or help please contact the Strategic Planning team.

The draft Local Plan consultation is now closed.

Minerals and Land

Minerals, like crushed rock, sand and gravel, play a vital role in both supporting economic development through the construction industry in the production of building materials locally and the delivery of new development. 

Telford & Wrekin Council are required to identify and ensure an adequate supply of mineral resources to meet anticipated demand, this can include, for example, sand, gravel and crushed rock.  

The council, jointly with Shropshire Council, has engaged with the local minerals industry to assess minerals resources and determined that with existing levels of supply there is no current need to propose new mineral extraction sites in the Local Plan.


What is the role of the Local Plan?

The Local Plan includes policies that:

  • Supports appropriate windfall (sites not allocated in a plan) sites and directs minerals extraction to locations that will have the least environmental impact and where it can be demonstrated that the impacts on local residents and the landscape could be successfully mitigated;
  • Protect existing minerals infrastructure such as processing and production facilities that are important to the local building industry;
  • Encourage the reuse, recovery and recycling of secondary minerals which will also have a positive impact on climate change; and
  • Recognises the mining and geological history of the borough ensuring any new development in areas at risk of land instability will have to have fully consider the ground conditions as part of any development proposals.

Please note: The consultation on the draft Local Plan has now closed. Any comments made past 5pm, 31 January 2024 will not be considered.
