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The draft Local Plan consultation is now closed.

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Consultation on the draft Local Plan now closed

The draft Local Plan consultation is now closed. The consultation period was open from 25 October 2023 until 31 January 2024.

The draft Plan sets out Telford & Wrekin Councils vision for the borough, priorities for the plan, preferred policies and proposed housing and employment sites. This latest draft was informed by the Issues and Options consultation which concluded in 2021. 

Key priorities and objectives for the draft Plan include: 

  • tackling climate change and achieving carbon neutrality 
  • protection and enhancement of green and natural environment 
  • maximising inward investment and employment opportunities 
  • securing better homes for all 
  • delivering regeneration, renewal and stronger communities 
  • improving health, wellbeing and tackling health inequalities.

View a copy of the Telford and Wrekin draft Local Plan (high resolution), or download a low resolution version.

You can still view housing and employment sites proposed in the draft plan by viewing our interactive policy map (opens new window)

What happens next?

Responses from the draft Plan public consultation will inform the preparation of the next stage of the Local Plan Review which will be for the council to produce a publication version of the Plan. Residents and stakeholders will then have further opportunity to comment on the next version of the plan. 

For further information on the Local Plan Review timetable, view the Local Development Scheme webpage.

Register for email updates on the Telford and Wrekin Local Plan Review.

Image of Southwater at night.
